'Remember Thee' is our new hymn tune appropriate for Good Friday or times of Communion. We found the words of James Montgomery to be quite compelling. The tune is written in Common Meter so it can be shared with many lyrics (such as: Amazing Grace, Joy to the World, etc.). In our Music pages you can find the tune with these lyrics as well as the tune alone.
Saint Joan of Arc Catholic Church is the setting for the presentation of our new Christmas hymn. Anna Jean DeDominicis was my school choral director and she inspired many with her joyful enthusiasm. It seemed appropriate to name this Celtic-feeling hymn tune after her. Isaac Watts provides the verse. Enjoy the hymn tune DeDominicis.
This video is of the new Christmas Hymn, O Fairest Day. A printed version of the hymn is found in our music pages.
This historic church in downtown Indianapolis provided a challenge. We needed to fill the room with sound but not compromise the beauty of the space. Dr. Charles Webb played the dedication concert of the instrument.
Saint Ann's Church and Shrine had a small pipe instrument that we interfaced into a new two manual console. The result is an instrument that maintains their history but adds tremendous versatility in sound.
Many recordings seem to show 'big' organ sounds. Here is a quiet meditation using celestes as well as orchestral sounds.
Rodgers builds organs that are unmatched with their ability to blend with pipes - and also with their ability to utilize orchestral sounds through MIDI or internal libraries. Here is a selection played in real time that shows what is possible blending traditional and orchestral voices.
Robert Richter, Music Director at Saint Christopher Episcopal Church, has shared this video played on their four manual Rodgers pipe-digital hybrid.
This video illustrates that we can provide wonderful instruments for small spaces. A combination of internal audio and small external speakers create this sound.